What Word will Define Your Year?

  1. laurasmythers says:

    Awesome! Love it!
    This year, I’ve decided that GROWTH is the name of my year. Growth in learning how to be a new mom, growth in our walk with God, in our marriage, in our careers, in our finances, in our faith.

  2. laurasmythers says:

    Awesome! Love it!
    This year, I’ve decided that GROWTH is the name of my year. Growth in learning how to be a new mom, growth in our walk with God, in our marriage, in our careers, in our finances, in our faith.

  3. Tata says:

    Great read, I decided that my 2016 encouraging word is COURAGE to step out in faith to do all that God has for me and my family.

  4. Tata says:

    Great read, I decided that my 2016 encouraging word is COURAGE to step out in faith to do all that God has for me and my family.

  5. Monica says:

    Love this!!
    The word that will define my year is FOCUS. I will focus on what God has spoken to me for this season of my life not the obstacles that come. Focus on what God has entrusted me with to nurture, help, and love. I will focus on who God says I am not the lies the enemy wants me to believe. Great things ahead!!

  6. Monica says:

    Love this!!
    The word that will define my year is FOCUS. I will focus on what God has spoken to me for this season of my life not the obstacles that come. Focus on what God has entrusted me with to nurture, help, and love. I will focus on who God says I am not the lies the enemy wants me to believe. Great things ahead!!

  7. Genevieve says:

    This inspired me so much today! I’ve decided to make my 2016 word Courage as well. Courage to do and be more for my family, especially when they can’t, courage to follow Gods voice no matter my insecurities or hang ups, courage to be a leader and Godly example to those around me, and courage to be a better me all together.

  8. Genevieve says:

    This inspired me so much today! I’ve decided to make my 2016 word Courage as well. Courage to do and be more for my family, especially when they can’t, courage to follow Gods voice no matter my insecurities or hang ups, courage to be a leader and Godly example to those around me, and courage to be a better me all together.

  9. Yannivi says:

    I’ve decided to name my year Courage and Risk. In this new season my prayer is that I’m courageous enough to be obedient to Gods call daily. Risk because, trusting God isn’t easy all the time but in the end God is always faithful.
    Love this post!

  10. Yannivi says:

    I’ve decided to name my year Courage and Risk. In this new season my prayer is that I’m courageous enough to be obedient to Gods call daily. Risk because, trusting God isn’t easy all the time but in the end God is always faithful.
    Love this post!

  11. Love this T!!! Well, I usually choose a verse for the year. I’ve been doing it for a while now, like a verse that describes my Goal for that year. This year’s verse is Colossians 1:9-10. If I summed it up in one word it would be PRAY. This year for me is a year I wanna accomplish a LOT, I’ve a huge and daunting to-do list. But I know that my tendency will be to try to do it all in my own strength. So I will need to remind myself daily that I should PRAY first, and wait for His Wisdom and guidance, strength and power. So, yeah. PRAY. Thanks for helping me boil it down to one word!!

    Speaking of goals….my first is to change the look and feel of my blog. Will you email me at RedefineSpecial@gmail.com so we can start a conversation about what I want to do, and what you think it would cost, how long it would take, and if you’re even available to do it? Sorry I just can’t find your contact info for some reason (new phone, etc.)

  12. Love this T!!! Well, I usually choose a verse for the year. I’ve been doing it for a while now, like a verse that describes my Goal for that year. This year’s verse is Colossians 1:9-10. If I summed it up in one word it would be PRAY. This year for me is a year I wanna accomplish a LOT, I’ve a huge and daunting to-do list. But I know that my tendency will be to try to do it all in my own strength. So I will need to remind myself daily that I should PRAY first, and wait for His Wisdom and guidance, strength and power. So, yeah. PRAY. Thanks for helping me boil it down to one word!!

    Speaking of goals….my first is to change the look and feel of my blog. Will you email me at RedefineSpecial@gmail.com so we can start a conversation about what I want to do, and what you think it would cost, how long it would take, and if you’re even available to do it? Sorry I just can’t find your contact info for some reason (new phone, etc.)

  13. Heather O. says:

    My word this year is SIMPLIFY. I get so overwhelmed trying to do everything, please others and it just turns into chaos. I’m ready to de-clutter and prioritize what matters most to me in this life.

  14. Heather O. says:

    My word this year is SIMPLIFY. I get so overwhelmed trying to do everything, please others and it just turns into chaos. I’m ready to de-clutter and prioritize what matters most to me in this life.

  15. Sara says:


  16. Sara says:


  17. HannahQuinn says:

    My word is going to be TRUST! To trust in God’s promises, God’s strength, God’s faithfulness, and God’s steadfast love.

  18. HannahQuinn says:

    My word is going to be TRUST! To trust in God’s promises, God’s strength, God’s faithfulness, and God’s steadfast love.

  19. Cynthia Meca says:

    My word is Strength. I pray that God continue to give me strength to overcome my daily obstacles.

  20. Cynthia Meca says:

    My word is Strength. I pray that God continue to give me strength to overcome my daily obstacles.

  21. Tiffany says:

    β€’ Trust | Conviction | Confidence β€’

  22. Tiffany says:

    β€’ Trust | Conviction | Confidence β€’

  23. Mama Muse Me says:

    My word is confident. The verse that God gave me to go with the word is Philippians 1:6. πŸ™‚

    • I love that you picked a bible verse to go with your word. I’m going to do the same for mine. Thanks for commenting! πŸ’•

      • Mama Muse Me says:

        Sure. πŸ™‚ I picked my verse by looking up ones with the word confident in them and they praying about which verse God has for me this year. He made it clear that Phil. 1:6 is definitely the verse! This was my first year picking a verse.

  24. Mama Muse Me says:

    My word is confident. The verse that God gave me to go with the word is Philippians 1:6. πŸ™‚

    • I love that you picked a bible verse to go with your word. I’m going to do the same for mine. Thanks for commenting! πŸ’•

      • Mama Muse Me says:

        Sure. πŸ™‚ I picked my verse by looking up ones with the word confident in them and they praying about which verse God has for me this year. He made it clear that Phil. 1:6 is definitely the verse! This was my first year picking a verse.

  25. Michelle says:

    The word I have picked is surrender. I will not try and be in control, but surrender everything over to God. I will also surrender my needs, wants, and time to grow closer to him.

  26. Michelle says:

    The word I have picked is surrender. I will not try and be in control, but surrender everything over to God. I will also surrender my needs, wants, and time to grow closer to him.

  27. […] shout out to all those who commented and participated in the print giveaway for theΒ “What Word will Define your Year?” […]

  28. […] shout out to all those who commented and participated in the print giveaway for theΒ “What Word will Define your Year?” […]

  29. Veronica A says:

    I know the contest is over but I wanted to share ^_^. I’ve been thinking of your question! Last year I had a word, “FEARLESS”, fearless to trust God, fearless to let go and let God, fearless to throw aside all of life’s worries and uncertainties, a slight fearlessness of death(not to be confused with foolishness), and fearless enough to consider putting dreams into motion that scared me. This year I’ve decided upon “DIFFERENT”. as in different from before. Last year was one of the best yet, but there is always room for improvement. This year I have a lot of details on my resolution list, and they will all require me to grow out of a lifetime of bad habits, and to finally do the “little” things that have been covered in dust and put off. I was slightly bummed at the start of the year because I imagined my plans would have been taking off, so everything seemed the same which is so anti-climatic. This year will actually be a year of preparation for 2017, sounds boring huh? Nope, I may be stuck in the same place but things will be different in the big little things this year around. In the words of John Wooden “tomorrow is in large part determined by what you do today”. Uncharted territory requires a different route.

  30. Love your word. I definitely believe that if you work on the little stuff, God will take care of the big stuff. Thank you for commenting πŸ’•

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