The Key to Finding Peace

  1. Monica says:

    Great blog! It definitely has been such a great month learning about prayer as well. You got it correct, only He can give me that peace that I can’t get anywhere else. That happens in the quiet and alone time with my King. I had allowed the enemy to take control over a part of my prayer life, fear. Settle and have my walls up in my prayer life. Isn’t that crazy! But I didn’t realize that til this month in our study. I will stand on His word and declare His promises over my life and the life of my family. With Him all things are possible. Never give up, never give in.
    I will trust in Him at ALL times!
    Thank you for sharing this ❤️

  2. Yannivi says:

    Such a great reminder. I’ve recently been changing how I pray as well. I love how you mentioned about our posture of prayer. I never realized how vital it is and how it reveals how big our faith is. “Humble warrior” is definitely the perfect words to describe how we should pray! Thank you so much for sharing your insight!

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