That is what you'll find here: grace for the plot twists that come along the way. And resources that will help you walk in the ease, beauty and boldness of grace.
Setting goals can feel inspiring, fun, and hopeful, right? I enjoy taking time to dream, cast my vision, and reflect on how much I’ve grown. At the same time, starting is the hardest step and can feel overwhelming. Over the years, I have tried many strategies to set goals for the year. Some help me […]
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This Thanksgiving why don’t we take time to get back to the true purpose of Thanksgiving? Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE all the food and festivities. But it always feels right to focus on truly being thankful. A genuine heart of worship and thanks can make all the difference during the next few days […]
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November is probably my most favorite month of the year. Not only are the holiday’s right around the corner, but my wedding anniversary and birthday are in November. It’s the month that kicks-off holiday season for my family. It seems like every year I become more and more thankful for all the good God has […]
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We may be in the Christmas spirit already but November is still all about fall and those beautiful shades of burgundy and orange. This month I’ve created two different wallpapers to give you some variety. One’s feminine and Thanksgiving themed. The other is festive, minimalistic, and colorful. I hope you love them and use them all month […]
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What a work of love this Fall Collection has been for me! The hours spent, the brainstorming with friends and family, the erasing and starting over. It’s all been well worth it. I hope you love these pieces as much as we do. You can find them in our Etsy Shop today!
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Hello, everyone! I was debating if I should do a Facebook Live or write a blog and I decided to write a blog. One, because I can share pretty pictures here. And two, I ain’t ready for Facebook Live haha! I would love to know if anyone would sign on to hear this shy girl […]
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HEY FriEnd, I'm theresa!
I'm also a devoted wife, IVF mom to two littles, amateur singer, fashion girly, Bible studier, Florida native, & night owl.
What's Inside:
Renew your mindset and get a fresh perspective on creativity. Learn how to be still. Discover 3 Steps to a more joyful home. And get simple ideas to add more joy to your day to day life.
Grace-inspired art and stories
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Plus, get access to a collection of hundreds of freebies like meal planners and digital wallpapers.