New Month, New Season, New Wallpapers! I know you look forward to the SBG wallpapers every new season (these are last year’s fall wallpapers) and I’m so happy to show you this year’s Fall wallpapers.
They are whimsy, fun, and pumpkin-y. I know you for most people, you either hate or love pumpkins. In this space on the internet, pumpkins are very loved. This year I bring you a subtle ode to pumpkins with the classic “Hey ya’ll, it’s fall” wallpaper. And a very over-the-top ode to my love for pumpkins with the “Pumpkin Queen Checklist” wallpaper.

If you consider yourself a pumpkin queen I know you’re going to LOVE these wallpapers. If you lean more to the “not so fond of pumpkins” side of the scale, why don’t you send this to someone who loves pumpkins and all things fall? I know, as a self-proclaimed pumpkin queen, that they’ll appreciate the thoughtful gesture 😉
Last week, I announced that all our wallpapers (since the start of SBG in 2013) would be easily and readily available in The Styld by Grace Art Vault. The Vault is a place online where subscribers will have access to digital art created by SBG.

So, if you’re already a subscriber, you already have access to The SBG Vault and you can download these wallpapers there. Yay! (Check your inbox for an email that went out last week with an access link to The Vault. If you need assistance, please feel free to reach out by emailing me at
If you’re not a subscriber yet, what are you waiting for?! You’ll get access to not only these wallpapers but also to a library FILLED with complimentary seasonal and holiday (and more) wallpapers.
Sign up below (or click here) to become an SBG Subscriber and get access to The SBG Art Vault:
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