A couple weeks ago, I decided I was going to be off all social media platforms at least once a week. I chose Monday because I wanted to start my week with better habits.
The first thing I do every morning is check my phone and my fingers automatically go to Instagram. I mean, it feels like I’m in a vicious cycle that I can’t get out of.
Don’t get me wrong, I love Instagram. It has brought a lot of special connections and it has allowed me to grow Styld by Grace beyond the blog. So being off of it completely on a Monday, when most people are on and catching up from the weekend, can be nerve-wrecking. There’s this feeling like I’ll lose these very important connections I’ve made.
The truth is I won’t be missing out on anything. There is always tomorrow and there’s always an opportunity to delivery great content and connection, no matter what day it is or in which way it’s delivered.
But at the end of the day, my eyes have to be focused on what’s in front of me more than what’s on my phone. My default cannot be scrolling endlessly and in turn neglecting what I have in front of me.
So if you’ve been feeling like you need a little detox from social media for whatever reason, here are some healthy alternatives I’ve replaced it with on Mondays. Read on…

Connection: investing in my relationships
“Are you even listening to me”? I don’t know how many times my husband has said that to me while I’m glued to my phone. Of course I pretend I know exactly what he was saying. (And pretend is the keyword because I’m totally zoned out). This is what motivates me the most to keep going with No Instagram Mondays. Truly connecting with the people I love. Without needing a like, a comment, a share, or any form of validation. Just simple quality time. I’ve also started an email series, “From My Desk To Yours”, for my newsletter subscribers where I share things floating around my desk like my weekly favorites, podcasts, music, and stuff that’s on my heart. It’s such a freeing way to invest in my community without expecting nothing in return.
Faith: connecting with God
The part of me that’s affected the most from being off of social media for a day, on a weekly basis, is my walk with God. I can’t say I’m perfect at this. But eliminating one thing that distracts me from connecting with God is very helpful. Like I said, my instinct is to open Instagram first thing every morning. But knowing I can’t on Mondays, gives me a reason to open the Bible app instead. Or it gives me a reason to listen to Sunday’s sermon again. And on my downtime, instead of scrolling I can actually pray about the stuff that’s worrying me. There is time for connection with God. Sometimes we just are too distracted and don’t make room for it.
Rest: giving my mind a break
At times I feel that my brain needs a break from my phone. My mind needs a break from all the information, updates, memes, and heartbreaking news. Seriously, what am I fueling my mind with? Do I really need to know every detail of every thing that’s happening in the world? I’m not saying I want to be oblivious to what’s happening in the world. I’m just saying I think my mind can’t take in information non stop without processing it in times of rest. In fact, on days when I’ve been off of social media I tend to be less anxious and I’m able to relax a lot easier.
Education: learning new things
On Mondays when I’m tempted to click on Instagram or Facebook, instead I click on my Podcast app. I listen to something that will help nourish my mind. What area in my career, dreams, or goals do I need to learn more about? There’s so much to learn and so many ways to learn new things. Podcasts are just one way. I’ve also watched interviews on Youtube of people who are in my industry to learn how they have navigated their career or entrepreneurial journey.
Friend, if you’re thinking about quitting social media for a day or a week or even a month, there’s really nothing to lose and you WON’T be missing out on anything! It’s definitely not easy and I’ve messed up more times than I’d like to admit. But we shouldn’t put all our eggs in one basket. There’s so many ways to connect, learn, grow, and invest in ourself and others.
If you try it, let me know if any of these alternatives helped you too.
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