With all the hustle and bustle, who really has time to keep up with the endless checklists and post its and text messages? I know I don’t!

That’s why I created this Christmas Checklist. To keep all the things I need and want before Christmas, in ONE place. Now, you can download it on the SBG Art Vault!
If you already have access to the Art Vault, check for it under the “Styld by Grace Checklists” Folder. If you’re not yet a subscriber and want access to the Christmas Checklist, become a Subscriber and you’ll get a link to The SBG Art Vault.

After seeing how much you all loved the Thanksgiving Worksheet, I thought it’d be cool to create something similar for Christmas.

This checklist has categories and sections for you to organize all your lists. There’s even a category for Holiday Movies. Very convenient and also pretty to look at, if I do say so myself 😉

Hope this helps you have a stress-free holiday season. And don’t forget to tag me on Instagram on posts of your checklist. I’d love to see what’s on your lists! To download the Christmas Checklist, enter the SBG Art Vault. Check for it under the “Styld by Grace Checklists” Folder.
If you’re already subscribed and need help accessing the Art Vault, just send me an email.
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