That is what you'll find here: grace for the plot twists that come along the way. And resources that will help you walk in the ease, beauty and boldness of grace. 

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Stylish & Practical Goal Setting Worksheet for the New Year

Setting goals can feel inspiring, fun, and hopeful, right? I enjoy taking time to dream, cast my vision, and reflect on how much I’ve grown. At the same time, starting is the hardest step and can feel overwhelming. Over the years, I have tried many strategies to set goals for the year. Some help me […]

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5 Facts About Infertility Everyone Needs To Know

If you’ve been following the discussion around #NIAW, then you must have read the many stories of people going through this struggle. The stories are so important to bring awareness. I also believe that hard facts and statistics can make this medical issue (because it is a medical issue) less taboo and easier to talk […]

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Hand lettered & Faith-filled Mobile Wallpapers

Words are powerful. And when you’re going through a valley season, they are especially powerful. Words can defeat you or encourage you. And one word of encouragement can really change your day. At least that’s what I’ve experienced while struggling with infertility. Whether the encouragement came from a friend, a blog, or God’s word, they […]

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Hope After My Husband’s Infertility Diagnosis

In recognition of National Infertility Awareness week, I’d like to give honor where honor is due. To my husband, Edward, who was diagnosed with infertility almost a year ago. He is a rock. He is strong. He is resilient. He is faithful. He is steadfast. He is hopeful. How he’s been able to see the […]

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HEY FriEnd, I'm theresa!

I'm a graphic desinger, lettering artist, brand marketing expert, and content creator

I'm also a devoted wife, IVF mom to two littles, amateur singer, fashion girly, Bible studier, Florida native, & night owl.


Cultivating Joy Through Creativity

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Renew your mindset and get a fresh perspective on creativity. Learn how to be still. Discover 3 Steps to a more joyful home. And get simple ideas to add more joy to your day to day life.


Grace-inspired art and stories

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