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Find something that helps you choose grace today


The love month is here! I rather call it appreciation month, though, because it’s a month to appreciate all the people you love. February is a month to celebrate relationships and connection–whether you have a significant other or not. And you know what? I bet that there’s someone in your life that you can say […]


February 1, 2019

February Free Mobile & Desktop Wallpapers


Let’s stop for a minute and think. Our lives revolve around interacting with other people. Some people we like and others we don’t. Some interactions are good and others are not so good. I wish all the relationships in my life were pleasant and easy. The reality is that relationships, whether it’s your marriage or a […]


June 2, 2016

3 Things that Build Lasting Relationships


Can I share how daunting the new year can be? I kind of feel obligated to be on my “A-game” because everyone else is trying to be on theirs. And honestly, I think resolutions are so 2015. 😉 So this year, in 2016, I have decided to set goals for the different parts of my life. […]


January 14, 2016



I had all the ingredients I needed, but didn’t quite understand the directions to the baked breaded tilapia recipe I googled. I really didn’t know what I was doing. The kitchen was a mess, with egg whites all over the counter, and the breading sprinkled on the floor. In the end, the tilapia was more […]


October 29, 2015

A Newlywed’s Recipe for a Fulfilling Marriage


It’s wedding season! All my friends are either getting married, are newlywed or are thinking of marriage. It’s a great season! I’m a newlywed and I’m loving being able to take mini vacations with my hubby or have stay-cations at home, binge watching our favorite TV shows. But for the people who don’t feel close […]


June 4, 2015

5 Things To Do While Waiting to Get Hitched


It’s wedding season! All my friends are either getting married, are newlywed or are thinking of marriage. It’s a great season! I’m a newlywed and I’m loving being able to take mini vacations with my hubby or have stay-cations at home, binge watching our favorite TV shows. But for the people who don’t feel close […]


June 4, 2015

5 Things To Do While Waiting to Get Hitched


Marriage is like a mirror; it reveals who you really are. Growing up as the youngest of four and having my parents to myself for most of my life, I have a tendency to be selfish and self-centered. For a really long time, it was all about me, my needs and my wants. God has […]


June 5, 2014

Confessions of a Newlywed


After months of planning for my wedding and adjusting to a new job, Styl’d by Grace is back in full swing. During the past few months, there have been many life changing occasions which include my marriage to the love of my life, Edward Palma, living on my own for about a month (Edward moved […]


December 5, 2013

Unspeakable Joy