That is what you'll find here: grace for the plot twists that come along the way. And resources that will help you walk in the ease, beauty and boldness of grace. 

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Stylish & Practical Goal Setting Worksheet for the New Year

Setting goals can feel inspiring, fun, and hopeful, right? I enjoy taking time to dream, cast my vision, and reflect on how much I’ve grown. At the same time, starting is the hardest step and can feel overwhelming. Over the years, I have tried many strategies to set goals for the year. Some help me […]

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3 Things that Build Lasting Relationships

Let’s stop for a minute and think. Our lives revolve around interacting with other people. Some people we like and others we don’t. Some interactions are good and others are not so good. I wish all the relationships in my life were pleasant and easy. The reality is that relationships, whether it’s your marriage or a […]

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A Newlywed’s Recipe for a Fulfilling Marriage

I had all the ingredients I needed, but didn’t quite understand the directions to the baked breaded tilapia recipe I googled. I really didn’t know what I was doing. The kitchen was a mess, with egg whites all over the counter, and the breading sprinkled on the floor. In the end, the tilapia was more […]

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Friendship: It’s not Always Hearts and Kisses

I was getting ready to go to bed after a much-needed Facetime date with my sister, who recently moved away. My husband noticed that I wasn’t being myself and had been crying. Of course, he asked the inevitable questions, “Have you been crying?”. Now, you know what happens when someone asks that, right? You start crying again. […]

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Unearthing Easter Part 2

“I love… Jesus”, I said to my husband right before falling asleep in bed. I think he expected me to say, “I love… you”. We don’t fall asleep without saying I love you to each other. But, on that particular day, I just had to verbalize to someone how much I truly loved Jesus. Not […]

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My Declaration

I am accepted Even when I feel left out, even when I’m excluded, even when I feel rejected, I am accepted because God has already accepted and redeemed me. I belong to Him and I belong in His Kingdom. I am loved Even when I feel unwanted, even when I feel alone, I am loved […]

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HEY FriEnd, I'm theresa!

I'm a graphic desinger, lettering artist, brand marketing expert, and content creator

I'm also a devoted wife, IVF mom to two littles, amateur singer, fashion girly, Bible studier, Florida native, & night owl.


Cultivating Joy Through Creativity

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Renew your mindset and get a fresh perspective on creativity. Learn how to be still. Discover 3 Steps to a more joyful home. And get simple ideas to add more joy to your day to day life.


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