This is what you'll find here: grace for the plot twists that come along the way. And resources that will help you walk in the ease, beauty and boldness of grace.
Self-care is such a popular and trending topic right now. Women are craving peace of mind, freedom from anxiety, and true renewal in body, spirit, and soul. And I think we’re all pretty worn out on hearing the same tips and tricks, like having a nighttime skincare routine? I’m all for that, do not get […]
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Ever wonder how people can look so good on Instagram? How their life, their home, their business, their church, their kids, can look so perfect? Yeah, I catch myself swooning over and over with all the beautiful and perfect lives I see pictured throughout the week. And then I catch myself comparing my life to […]
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I’m so excited to share the first product of our Fall Collection. Every piece is based around the concept of Grace (you can read more about our design process here). Grace can mean so many things to people. Grace can be a prayer. Grace can mean kindness. Or grace can be considered to be elegance. […]
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Hello, everyone! I was debating if I should do a Facebook Live or write a blog and I decided to write a blog. One, because I can share pretty pictures here. And two, I ain’t ready for Facebook Live haha! I would love to know if anyone would sign on to hear this shy girl […]
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Let’s stop for a minute and think. Our lives revolve around interacting with other people. Some people we like and others we don’t. Some interactions are good and others are not so good. I wish all the relationships in my life were pleasant and easy. The reality is that relationships, whether it’s your marriage or a […]
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In a world where flawlessness, immaculately chiseled bodies, and baby-smooth skin is the norm, there’s very little room to show weakness or imperfections. Being a girl boss, a hustler, a workaholic, is admired. I cannot lie. I would love to be able to live a perfect life. A life where I can juggle every single […]
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I was getting ready to go to bed after a much-needed Facetime date with my sister, who recently moved away. My husband noticed that I wasn’t being myself and had been crying. Of course, he asked the inevitable questions, “Have you been crying?”. Now, you know what happens when someone asks that, right? You start crying again. […]
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HEY FriEnd, I'm theresa!
I'm also a devoted wife, IVF mom to two littles, amateur singer, fashion girly, Bible studier, Florida native, & night owl.
What's Inside:
Renew your mindset and get a fresh perspective on creativity. Learn how to be still. Discover 3 Steps to a more joyful home. And get simple ideas to add more joy to your day to day life.
Grace-inspired art and stories
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