That is what you'll find here: grace for the plot twists that come along the way. And resources that will help you walk in the ease, beauty and boldness of grace.
Setting goals can feel inspiring, fun, and hopeful, right? I enjoy taking time to dream, cast my vision, and reflect on how much I’ve grown. At the same time, starting is the hardest step and can feel overwhelming. Over the years, I have tried many strategies to set goals for the year. Some help me […]
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The love month is here! I rather call it appreciation month, though, because it’s a month to appreciate all the people you love. February is a month to celebrate relationships and connection–whether you have a significant other or not. And you know what? I bet that there’s someone in your life that you can say […]
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The Styld by Grace 12 days of Christmas event is here! If you follow me on Instagram, you would’ve heard of the event. If not, SURPRISE! 😉 Starting today and ending on December 15th, there will be giveaways, freebies, and sales hosted by yours truly. Follow along at the Styld by Grace Instagram to find out what the event […]
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Happy 4th of July! No better way to celebrate with you than to share a few Patriotic wallpapers for our devices. They’re simple hand letterings and illustrations with a feminine twist while maintaining a very patriotic vibe. Enjoy and share them with all your friends and fam! Download the wallpapers by clicking on the wallpaper. […]
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Happy New Year, everyone! This year is all about getting back to the basics. And starting so fresh and so clean, clean. 😉 So this month’s wallpapers are clean, refreshing, and minimalistic. Definitely my aesthetic. I hope they inspire you and bring a “breath of fresh air” to your life. To download, scroll down and […]
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Happy 4th of July Weekend, ya’ll! I’ve created some patriotic goodies for you to spruce up your phone & home. In the Etsy shop, we have listed a very special print. It is a Prayer for Our Nation, which my good friend Yoshika Green wrote up just for Styld by Grace. I think this is […]
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HEY FriEnd, I'm theresa!
I'm also a devoted wife, IVF mom to two littles, amateur singer, fashion girly, Bible studier, Florida native, & night owl.
What's Inside:
Renew your mindset and get a fresh perspective on creativity. Learn how to be still. Discover 3 Steps to a more joyful home. And get simple ideas to add more joy to your day to day life.
Grace-inspired art and stories
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Plus, get access to a collection of hundreds of freebies like meal planners and digital wallpapers.