
Our Second Miracle Baby Is On Its Way

We are so overjoyed to share that our second miracle baby is on its way!

Much like our first, the journey to baby number 2 has been a huge undertaking. We started the process of a Frozen Embryo transfer at the beginning of February. And at the beginning of March, I had the transfer.

I’ve been very cryptic on social media. Sharing some parts but not too many details. For some reason, it felt harder to share this second round than it did with the first. I had high hopes but naturally, I was prepared if this transfer didn’t work.

What were the odds of it working again, anyway? That’s what I thought. Nevertheless, we prayed, we believed, we took a huge step of faith, and did this once again.

Nothing prepares you for such a rollercoaster of a process. Even after going through IVF once before, our faith was being challenged. And my body, due to the injections and other medications I had to be on, was depleted. (Thankful to finally be off all medicine. And I’m slowly feeling like myself).

Through it all, we’ve learned to press on. To communicate. To lean on each other. And to lean on our beautiful extended family. We are so blessed to have people around us who lift us up, come spend time with our toddler, cheer us up, and listen to us when we need to share our hearts.

We can’t believe it, but it’s true. It’s happening… our miracle baby #2 will be arriving in November (my birthday month, YAY!) and they, just like our first, are proof of God’s power at work in the world. God doesn’t always bring the miracle how we imagined, but always how we need it.

The Lord has transformed my mind, my heart, my life through this journey into motherhood. Not just because He answered my prayer for children, but also because He taught me what it means to wait on Him, to trust Him with my whole heart, and to live in contentment.

He truly is enough. The cherry on top has been growing our family.

I’d lovingly like to dedicate this blog post to my amazing husband. He blows me away with his strength, faith, and resilience. We are so blessed that he’s ours.

Special thanks to my talented niece Victoria for taking these beautiful portraits <3

Links: Big Bother Tee | Gingham Dress

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  1. Mimi says:

    Yessssss!!!! The secret is out. Thank you Lord. You are so faithful. I am going to be a tia again. Sooooo beyond excited for my dear Palmas. I love you sis. Tia mode on full activation mode ❤️

  2. Lil says:

    How wonderful! What an awesome blessing.

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HEY FriEnd, I'm theresa!

I'm a graphic desinger, lettering artist, brand marketing expert, and content creator

I'm also a devoted wife, IVF mom to two littles, amateur singer, fashion girly, Bible studier, Florida native, & night owl.