
Grace: The cure for perfectionism

grace_perfection_artwork_2In a world where flawlessness, immaculately chiseled bodies, and baby-smooth skin is the norm, there’s very little room to show weakness or imperfections.

Being a girl boss, a hustler, a workaholic, is admired. I cannot lie. I would love to be able to live a perfect life. A life where I can juggle every single opportunity, event, outing, and project that comes my way. All the while nurturing every relationship, making time for the gym and eating only organic food.

What kind of life would that be, though? Where failure, hang-ups, and imperfections never existed. There wouldn’t be any room to embrace, and receive the benefits of a wonderful and mysterious thing called Grace.

God’s grace is better, more reliable, and more stable than any physical or material thing we may obtain. Recognizing that we cannot do it all, let alone do it all perfectly, helps us understand the beauty and empowerment that come from God’s grace. Grace is looking to God to do for us, what we cannot do for ourselves. 

Following our dreams and working hard to accomplish our goals is not the problem. After all, faith without works is dead (James 2:17). When we embrace God’s grace, we surrender our need to be in control. The idea that our deeds, religious rituals, and resources, are the source, is what gets us stuck and overwhelmed.

If we would shift our thinking and allowed His grace to wash over us, the striving, the struggle, and the hustle would have a purpose. Our calling would take a shift and His grace would be the catalyst to achieve what He’s placed in our hearts. Essentially, our striving would turn to worship.

Even in the middle of being wrapped up by His grace, life will have it’s ups and downs. But when we choose grace over perfection, we become aware of God’s forgiveness, mercy and favor. Oh, how reassuring that is for me. And I hope it is for you, too. Regardless of what we do or don’t do, He loves us and cares for us.

When people see what a hot mess I am sometimes and wonder how the heck it all gets done, I have no reason to boast. It is not that I’m perfect or live by a standard of perfection, it is the grace of God that empowers me, gives me strength, and self-confidence to push through.

How freeing it is to know that I don’t have to have all my ducks in a row to receive God’s blessing. His grace is enough. We don’t have to live a “perfect” life or be the “perfect” person. His grace is enough. There’s no amount of good, pretty, nice, or perfect, we can create or strive for, that will ever satisfy. Only His grace is enough to empower, encourage, strengthen, bless, and motivate us on. 

[Bible verse references: Romans 5:8, 1 Timothy 1:16, Ephesians 2:8-9]

What does “Grace over Perfection” mean to you?

I would love to know what God’s grace means to you so I’ve made available free printable “Grace over Perfection” journaling pages. You can download them below! Share pics of what you’ve written about God’s grace on Instagram using #graceoverperfection. Can’t wait to see what you have to share!

Printable ‘Grace over Perfection’ Journaling Pages:

Black & White ‘Grace over Perfection” Journaling Page

Pale Pink & White ‘Grace over Perfection” Journaling Page

Pale Seafoam Green & White ‘Grace over Perfection” Journaling Page


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  1. Mimi says:

    Wow I so needed this today!! Thank you for reminding me that His grace is whAt I need to focus on so I can surrender it all to him and allow Him to do what I can not do. I am far from perfect and perfection can’t be the goal. His grace is more than enough.

    “His grace is all I need to empower, encourage, strengthen, bless and motivate me on.”

    ❤️ Love you ❤️

  2. Yannivi says:

    Wow this is so good! What a great reminder of how grace changes our perspectives in difficult situations. My fav part was “..allowed His grace to wash over us, the striving, the struggle, and the hustle would have a purpose.” God does so much in our hearts and character in seasons like this and it’s so relieving to know that He has a purpose for it all.
    Thank you for this morning read!

  3. Sheila says:

    I LOVED this! Thank you for the reminder!

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HEY FriEnd, I'm theresa!

I'm a graphic desinger, lettering artist, brand marketing expert, and content creator

I'm also a devoted wife, IVF mom to two littles, amateur singer, fashion girly, Bible studier, Florida native, & night owl.