
Free Easter Wallpapers-Celebrating Good Friday & Resurrection Sunday


Growing up Easter meant I’d have a new dress to add to my wardrobe and new shoes to add to my collection. It meant I’d curl my hair and put a little more mascara on. Easter Sunday at church was like a parade of pretty dresses and the highest of wedges.

Now, Easter means so much more to me. Don’t get me wrong I will most likely purchase a new dress to wear on Sunday but that will only be an outward expression of the joy and gratitude I have in my heart.

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It might be my melancholic side, but I truly look forward to remembering and reflecting on the cross. The heaviness my heart feels when I think of all that Jesus did to rescue me, love me, and reconcile me back to my Father, is a way of helping me realign my priorities. It harkens my heart to bow low and surrender my will for His.

And then there’s the invigorating joy that comes after reminiscing. Jesus’ resurrection tells me that all the hardship, fear, anxiety, and overwhelm, is forever silenced. I can declare God’s promises for me because He rose again.

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The words I used to create these wallpapers are not clichés. They are powerful and life-giving truths. I hold them dear to my heart. May we never, ever take them for granted.

I hope you love these wallpapers. Cherish them as little treasures and share them with everyone you can! #LetsSpreadHislove

To download the wallpapers, click on the wallpaper. Then, right-click if you’re on a desktop or long press if you’re on a mobile device.


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HEY FriEnd, I'm theresa!

I'm a graphic desinger, lettering artist, brand marketing expert, and content creator

I'm also a devoted wife, IVF mom to two littles, amateur singer, fashion girly, Bible studier, Florida native, & night owl.