In order to be anchored by God, we should know who He is. There’s a difference between knowing about God and knowing Him personally. Perhaps you’re thinking, “How can I know something or someone I don’t see”? or “How can I know God if I don’t hear from Him”?
In the last post about being anchored by God, my friend Jenny said, “But in order to be anchored in God I need to know who He is and who I am IN Him”. And she’s right. People, culture, government, cannot be the sources of our identity. Our identity is tied to something eternal. Not even a religion or religious activity can mold our identity. Only through knowing God, who is infinite and eternal, can we find ourselves.
So who is He? How do we find out who He is? And how can we hear from Him? Well, we can know about Him through His word, the Bible. He is three in one: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
God the Father
Genesis 1:1 | Genesis 1:26-27 | Romans 8:15 | Colossians 1:2 | Ephesians 1:14
God the father is our creator. He wove us and thought us before the beginning of time. Because He is our father and our creator, we can say with full assurance that we belong and we are accepted. His word says that He adopted us as His children. We are not a mistake, our lives matter, and our place of origin comes from God. Even if we were born into a family or situation that’s not as good as we would like, we can rest in the fact that God made us, created us, and has a purpose for our lives.
God the Son
Hebrews 8:13 | Hebrews 9:15 | John 18:37 | 1 John 3:5
Jesus the Son of God is the reason why I live out my faith. He died on the cross to reconcile us to the Father after sin came into the world. Nothing was sufficient enough to bring us back to the Father, except for Jesus. He established a new covenant, in which we are saved by grace not by what we can do or say to be saved. If we want to know our standard for living, we should look at the life of Jesus. He was man and God, all at the same time, yet never sinned. He embodies all the truth and goodness of God. We may fall short on a daily basis in our walk, but Jesus paid the price and gives us grace to get back up and keep living by faith.
God the Holy Spirit
John 6:63 | Romans 8:16 | Romans 8:26 | 1 John 2:27
Some people think the Holy Spirit is like a scary ghost that does weird stuff. But that’s actually not true. He is the person of the Holy Spirit, who empowers us and gives us wisdom. The Holy Spirit empowers us to believe, have faith, and to take action on what we believe. He is our helper, our counselor, and He teaches us or gives us understanding of God, and His word.
The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit come in a package. You are the Father’s children because of the new covenant Jesus made with his sacrifice on the cross and the Holy Spirit is the one who leads us to believe and be witnesses of this truth.
I will never fully understand all that this means or the depth of significance that all this has. And I know this is just the tip of the iceberg. (Make sure to read the verses in each section to learn more of who God is). But knowing more of who God is, each part of Him, helps me see how much my life matters to Him. He has made himself available as a Father, as a brother, a savior, and as a helper to us. He saves us, He teaches us, and he Fathers us. Be encouraged today by His willingness to be there for you. He cares for you and has a plan for you!
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